Source code for plbenchmark.ligands

Functions and classes for handling the ligand data.

import os
import re
import io
import yaml
import pandas as pd

from PIL import Image
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import Draw, PandasTools
from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule

from . import targets, utils

[docs]class Ligand: """ Store and convert the data of one ligand in a :py:class:`pandas.Series`. """ _observables = ["dg", "dh", "tds", "ki", "ic50", "pic50"] def __init__(self, d: dict, target: str = None): """ Initialize :py:class:`plbenchmark.ligands.ligand` object from :py:class:`dict` and store data in a :py:class:`pandas.Series`. :param d: :py:class:`dict` with the ligand data :return None """ self._target = target self._data = pd.Series(d) self._molecule = None self._name = self._data["name"] # Expand measurement dict into single fields if "measurement" in list(self._data.index): measurement = pd.Series(self._data["measurement"]) measurement.index = ["measurement:" + c for c in measurement.index] self._data.drop(["measurement"], inplace=True) self._data = pd.concat([self._data, measurement]) index = self._data.index.to_series().str.split(":", expand=True).fillna("") self._data.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays( [index[0].tolist(), index[1].tolist()] ) original_type = self._data[("measurement", "type")] if original_type not in self._observables: raise ValueError( f"No known measured observable found. " f"Measured observable should be any of: dg, ki, ic50 or pic50." ) # let pint figure out what the unit means unit = utils.unit(self._data[("measurement", "unit")]) self._data[("measurement", "error")] = ( self._data[("measurement", "error")] * unit ) self._data[("measurement", "value")] = ( self._data[("measurement", "value")] * unit )
[docs] def derive_observables( self, derived_type="dg", destination="DerivedMeasurement", out_unit=None, ): """ Derive observables from (stored) primary data, which is then stored in the :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param derived_type: type of derived observable, can be any of 'dg' 'ki', 'ic50' or 'pic50' :param destination: string with column name for 'pandas.DataFrame' where the derived observable should be stored. :param out_unit: unit of type :py:class:`pint` unit of derived coordinate :return: None """ original_type = self._data[("measurement", "type")] if original_type not in self._observables: raise ValueError( f"No known measured observable found. " f"Measured observable should be any of: dg, ki, ic50 or pic50." ) self._data = self._data.append( pd.Series( [ derived_type, utils.convert_value( self._data[("measurement", "value")], original_type, derived_type, out_unit=out_unit, ), utils.convert_error( self._data[("measurement", "error")], self._data[("measurement", "value")], original_type, derived_type, out_unit=out_unit, ), out_unit, ], index=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples( [ (destination, "type"), (destination, "value"), (destination, "error"), (destination, "unit"), ] ), ) )
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Access the name of the ligand. :return: name: string """ return self._data["name"][0]
[docs] def get_dataframe(self, columns=None): """ Access the ligand data as a :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` :param columns: list of columns which should be returned in the :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` :return: :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` """ if columns: return self._data[columns] else: return self._data
[docs] def get_coordinate_file_path(self): """ Get file path relative to the plbenchmark repository of the SDF coordinate file of the docked ligand :return: file path as string """ filename = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( targets.data_path, targets.get_target_dir(self._target), "02_ligands", self._name, "crd", f"{self._name}.sdf", ) ) return filename
[docs] def get_molecule(self): """ Get molecule object with coordinates of the docked ligand :return: file path as string """ if self._molecule is None: filename = self.get_coordinate_file_path() self._molecule = Molecule.from_file(filename, "sdf") return self._molecule
[docs] def add_mol_to_frame(self): """ Adds a image file of the ligand to the :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` :return: None """ PandasTools.AddMoleculeColumnToFrame( self._data, smilesCol="smiles", molCol="ROMol", includeFingerprints=False ) self._data["ROMol"].apply(lambda x: x[0])
[docs] def get_html(self, columns=None): """ Access the ligand as a HTML string :param columns: list of columns which should be returned in the :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` :return: HTML string """ self.find_links() if columns: html_string = pd.DataFrame(self._data[columns]).to_html() else: html_string = pd.DataFrame(self._data).to_html() html_string = html_string.replace("REP1", '<a target="_blank" href="') html_string = html_string.replace("REP2", '">') html_string = html_string.replace("REP3", "</a>") html_string = html_string.replace("\\n", "<br>") return html_string
[docs] def get_image(self): """ Creates a molecule image. :return: :py:class:`PIL.Image` object """ mol_drawing = Draw.MolDraw2DCairo(200, 200) opts = mol_drawing.drawOptions() opts.clearBackground = True mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(self._data["smiles"][0]) Chem.rdDepictor.Compute2DCoords(mol) mol_drawing.DrawMolecule(mol, legend=self._data["name"][0]) # change to transparent background img ="RGBA") data = img.getdata() new_data = [] for item in data: if item[0] == 255 and item[1] == 255 and item[2] == 255: new_data.append((255, 255, 255, 0)) else: new_data.append(item) img.putdata(new_data) return img
[docs]class LigandSet(dict): """ Class inherited from dict to store all available ligands of one target. """ def __init__(self, target, *arg, **kw): """ Initializes :py:class:`~plbenchmark.ligands.ligandSet` class :param target: string name of target :param arg: arguments for :py:class:`dict` (base class) :param kw: keywords for :py:class:`dict` (base class) """ super(LigandSet, self).__init__(*arg, **kw) target_path = targets.get_target_data_path(target) file = open(os.path.join(target_path, "ligands.yml")) data = yaml.full_load(file) for name, d in data.items(): lig = Ligand(d, target) lig.derive_observables(derived_type="dg") # l.find_links() lig.add_mol_to_frame() self[name] = lig file.close()
[docs] def get_list(self): """ Returns list of ligands :return: :py:class:`list` of ligand names """ return list(self.keys())
[docs] def get_ligand(self, name): """ Accesses one ligand of the :py:class:`~plbenchmark:ligands.ligandSet` :param name: string name of the ligand :return: :py:class:`plbenchmark.ligands.ligand` class """ if name in self: return self[name] else: raise ValueError(f"Ligand {name} is not part of set.")
[docs] def get_dataframe(self, columns=None): """ Access the :py:class:`~plbenchmark:ligands.ligandSet` as a :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` :param columns: :py:class:`list` of columns which should be returned in the :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` :return: :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` """ dfs = [] for key, item in self.items(): dfs.append(item.get_dataframe(columns)) df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=1).T return df
[docs] def get_html(self, columns=None): """ Access the :py:class:`plbenchmark:ligands.ligandSet` as a HTML string :param columns: :py:class:`list` of columns which should be returned in the :py:class:`pandas.Dataframe` :return: HTML string """ for key, item in self.items(): item.find_links() df = self.get_dataframe(columns) html_string = df.to_html() html_string = html_string.replace("REP1", '<a target="_blank" href="') html_string = html_string.replace("REP2", '">') html_string = html_string.replace("REP3", "</a>") html_string = html_string.replace("\\n", "<br>") return html_string
[docs] def get_molecules(self): """ Returns a :py:class:`dict` with names as keys and values as py:class:`openforcefield:topology:Molecule` objects :return: :py:class:`dict` """ molecules = {} for key, item in self.items(): molecules[key] = item.get_molecule() return molecules