Source code for plbenchmark.edges

Functions and classes for handling the perturbation edges.
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import yaml

from . import targets, ligands

[docs]class Edge: """ Store and convert the data of one perturbation ("edge") in a :py:class:`pandas.Series`. :param d: :py:class:`dict` with the edge data :return: None """ def __init__(self, d: dict): """ Initialize edge class from a dictionary :param d: :py:class:`dict` with the edge data :return: None """ self._data = pd.Series(d) self._name = self._data["name"]
[docs] def add_ligand_data(self, ligand_set): """ Adds data from ligands to :py:class:`~plbenchmark:edges.edge`. Molecule images and the affinity difference are added. :param ligand_set: :py:class:`plbenchmark:ligands:ligandSet` class of the same target :return: None """ name1 = self._data["ligand_a"] self._data["Mol1"] = ligand_set[name1]._data["ROMol"][0][0] self._data["Smiles1"] = ligand_set[name1]._data["smiles"][0] delta_g1 = ligand_set[name1]._data[("DerivedMeasurement", "value")] error1 = ligand_set[name1]._data[("DerivedMeasurement", "error")] name2 = self._data["ligand_b"] self._data["Mol2"] = ligand_set[name2]._data["ROMol"][0][0] self._data["Smiles2"] = ligand_set[name2]._data["smiles"][0] delta_g2 = ligand_set[name2]._data[("DerivedMeasurement", "value")] error2 = ligand_set[name2]._data[("DerivedMeasurement", "error")] self._data["exp. DeltaG [kcal/mol]"] = round(delta_g2 - delta_g1, 2) self._data["exp. Error [kcal/mol]"] = round( np.sqrt(np.power(error1, 2.0) + np.power(error2, 2.0)), 2 )
[docs] def get_dataframe(self, columns=None): """ Access the edge data as a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param cols: list of columns which should be returned in the :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` :return: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ if columns: return self._data[columns] else: return self._data
[docs] def get_dict(self): """ Access the edge data as a :py:class:`dict` which contains the name of the edge as key and the names of the two ligands as :py:class:`list`. :return: :py:class:`dict` """ return self._data.to_dict()
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Access the name of the edge. :return: name as string """ if self._name is not None: return self._name else: return self._data["name"]
[docs]class EdgeSet(dict): """ Class inherited from dict to store all available edges of one target. """ def __init__(self, target, *arg, **kw): """ Initializes edgeSet class :param target: string name of target :param arg: arguments for :py:class:`dict` (base class) :param kw: keywords for :py:class:`dict` (base class) """ super(EdgeSet, self).__init__(*arg, **kw) target_path = targets.get_target_data_path(target) ligand_set = ligands.LigandSet(target) file = open(os.path.join(target_path, "edges.yml")) data = yaml.full_load(file) for name, d in data.items(): edg = Edge(d) edg.add_ligand_data(ligand_set) self[name] = edg file.close()
[docs] def get_edge(self, name): """ Accesses one edge of the :py:class:`plbenchmark.edges.edgeSet` :param name: string name of the edge :return: :py:class:`plbenchmark:edges:edge` class """ if name in self: return self[name] else: raise ValueError(f"Edge {name} not part of set.")
[docs] def get_dataframe(self, columns=None): """ Access the :py:class:`plbenchmark:edges.edgeSet` as a :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` :param cols: :py:class:`list` of columns which should be returned in the :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` :return: :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` """ dfs = [] for key, item in self.items(): dfs.append(item.get_dataframe(columns)) df = pd.DataFrame(dfs) return df
[docs] def get_html(self, columns=None): """ Access the :py:class:`plbenchmark:edges.edgeSet` as a HTML string :param cols: :py:class:`list` of columns which should be returned in the :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` :return: HTML string """ df = self.get_dataframe(columns) html_string = df.to_html() return html_string
[docs] def get_dict(self): """ Access the :py:class:`plbenchmark:edges.edgeSet` as a dict which contains the name of the edges as key and the names of the two ligands in a list as items. :return: :py:class:`dict` """ result = {} for key, item in self.items(): result[key] = item.get_dict() return result